LTE-DC DIN Rail Transmitter | DC Voltage or Current Input

MLTE-DC | Ethernet and 4-20 mA Output | DC Voltage or Current | DIN Rail Transmitter

Micron Meters DC input transmitters provides six voltage input ranges and four current input ranges, all factory calibrated and jumper selectable. The 200.00 mV and 2.0000 V ranges provide a high input impedance of 1 GΩ to minimize the load on the voltage signal. A 5.000A range measures the IR drop across a built-in 10 mΩ current shunt. The transmitters can be scaled in software for use with external shunts.

Fast read rate at up to 50 or 60 conversions per second while integrating the signal over a full power line cycle is ideal for peak or valley capture and for real-time computer interface and control.

Digital signal filtering modes are selectable for stable readings in electrically noisy environments.

  • An unfiltered selection provides true peak and valley readings and aids in control applications.
  • A batch average filter selection averages each 16 conversions for an update every 1/4 sec.
  • An adaptive moving average filter selection provides a choice of 8 time constants from 80 ms to 9.6 s. When a significant change in signal level occurs, the filter adapts by briefly switching to the shortest time to follow the change, then reverts back to its selected time constant. An Auto setting selects the time constant selection based on signal noise.

Standard features of Micron MLTE Transmitters include:

  • Ethernet I/O, isolated. Supported protocols are Modbus RTU and ASCII (tunneled via Modbus TCP) and Custom ASCII. The latter is simpler than the Modbus protocol and is recommended when all Micron devices are used.
    Note that RS232 or RS485 data I/O in lieu of Ethernet is provided by MLT Series transmitters.
  • 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-10V analog transmitter output, isolated, jumper-selectable and user scalable. All selections provide 16-bit (0.0015%) resolution of output span and 0.02% output accuracy of a reading from -99,999 to +99,999 counts that is also transmitted digitally. Output isolation from signal and power grounds eliminates potential ground loop problems. The supply can drive 20 mA into a 500 ohm (or lower) load for 10V compliance, or 10V into a 5K ohm (or higher) load for 2 mA compliance.
  • Dual solid state relays, isolated. Available for local alarm or control. Rated 120 mA at 130 Vac or 180 Vdc.
  • Universal 85-264 Vac power. Low-voltage 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac power is optional.

Discovery and configuration of the Ethernet Nodes is easily achieved with the Node Manager Software, and the discovered transmitters can then be programmed using the Instrument Setup Software. Both software's run on a PC under MS Windows and can be downloaded from this website at no charge.

Micron Ethernet network


Micron MLTE-DC | Support Library
 Data Sheet | Users Manual

Select Transmitter Type
Select Main Board Option
Standard Main Board
Extended Main Board - Note: Extended allows custom curve linearization and rate from successive readings.
Select Power Option
Select Input Option Note:The same DC signal conditioner can be user configured for DC Volts or DC Amps, and for process, strain or potentiometer follower signals. It is precalibrated in EEPROM for all DC Volt and DC Amp ranges listed.
  • MLTE | 4-20 mA & Ethernet output transmitter
  • 2 ] Standard Main Board
  • 0 | Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc
  • DCV 1 ± 200.00 mV