LT-VF  Process Signal Totalizer DIN Rail Transmitter

MLT-VF | 4-20 mA & Serial Data Output | Process Signal Totalizer | DIN Rail Transmitter

The Micron Meters process signal input transmitter and totalizer accepts 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA or 0-10V signals from flow meters and other transducers, such as watt meters, to track rate or totalized rate.

  • With a Standard Main Board, the transmitter output can track rate (such as gallons per minute or watts) or totalized rate (such as gallons or kilowatt hours) whether the transducer output is linear or requires square root extraction (differential pressure flow transducers).
  • With an Extended Main Board, the transmitter can also perform custom curve linearization (provided by a curvilinear spline fit with up to 180 data points), display 1/ rate (such as the time it takes a conveyor to pass through an oven), and perform batch control for repetitive fill operations. Such applications typically make use of optional dual solid state relays, which are available as options. External reset of totals is provided by a special connector.
Signal Conditioner Board for Micron Meters Analog Input Flow Rate Meter and Analog Flow Totalizer

A signal conditioner board converts the full-scale 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA or 0-10 V analog signal to a frequency of 10 kHz to 110 kHz. This frequency is determined by measuring period over a selected gate time (from 10 ms to 200 s) and taking the inverse of period. At the lowest frequency of 10 kHz and the minimum gate time of 10 ms, the transmitter is capable of 25 updates per second. Scaling is done mathematically. Totals are calculated as the product of rate and time in seconds regardless of the selected gate time. Totals are stored in nonvolatile memory in case of power loss.

Standard features of Laureate LTE transmitters include:

  • 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V analog transmitter output, isolated, jumper-selectable and user scalable. All selections provide 16-bit (0.0015%) resolution of output span and 0.02% output accuracy of a reading from -99,999 to +99,999 counts that is also transmitted digitally. Output isolation from signal and power grounds eliminates potential ground loops.
  • Serial communications output, RS232 or RS485 (half or full duplex), jumper selectable. Three protocols are user selectable: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, or Custom ASCII. Modbus operation is fully compliant with Modbus Over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002). The Custom ASCII protocol is simpler than the Modbus protocol and is recommended when all devices are Micron units.
  • Dual solid state relays, isolated, for alarm or control. Rated 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc.
  • Transducer excitation output, isolated. User selectable 5V@100 mA, 10V@120 mA or 24V@50 mA.
  • Universal 85-264 Vac power. Low-voltage 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac power is optional.

Easy Transmitter programming is via the Instrument Setup Software, which runs on a PC under MS Windows. This software can be downloaded from this website at no charge. The required transmitter-to-PC interface cable is available. (P/N CBL04).

  MLT-VF  Process Signal Totalizer Transmitter | Support Library
  Data Sheet | User Manual

Select Transmitter Type
Select Main Board Option With Standard Main Board: Rate, square root of rate, or totalized rate from differential pressure flow transducers with a DC output. With Extended Main Board: Above plus linearization of nonlinear inputs, batch operation, 1/rate (time).
Standard Main Board: Rate, square root of rate, or totalized rate from differential pressure flow transducers with a DC output.
With Extended Main Board: Above plus linearization of nonlinear inputs, batch operation, 1/rate (time).
Select Power Option
Select Input Option
VF4 V-to-F Converter, Special Range. In the write-in field of your order for VF4, specify min input, min reading; max input, max reading. Component changes by the factory may be required.
Note Field for VF4 Option
In the write-in field above for VF4, specify min input, min reading; max input, max reading. Component changes by the factory may be required.
Select Accessories
RS232 cable, 7ft. Connects RS232 screw terminals of LT transmitter to DB9 port of PC.
USB-to-DB9 adapter cable. Includes FTDI chip for compatibility with all versions of Windows. Combination of CBL02 and CBL04 connects PC USB port to LT RS232 port.
  • MLT | 4-20 mA & RS232/RS485 output transmitter
  • 6 ] Standard Main Board
  • 0 | Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc
  • VF1 V-to-F Converter, 4-20 mA
  • Note Field for VF4 Option