MM50 Counter Meter

Micron Digital Panel Meter | Dual Channel Pulse Input Totalizer

Tech Note:  For Detailed Information on the Meter and Option Modules click on the Tabs Below.

Micron MM50 Series Smart Programmable Digital Panel Meters

The MM50 Series is Micron's line of 1/8 DIN programmable 5-digit digital panel meters, 6-digit digital counters and timers, and 6-digit remote displays. Digit height is 14.2 mm (0.56").
MM50 Series plug-in option modules offer the end-user exceptional accuracy, high speed (up to 60 readings / second), scalability, plus  programmable features allow the MM50 Meters to be configured for applications from simple monitoring to computer interface and control. Setup can be from the front panel or by using powerful Setup & Calibration Software, which can be downloaded at no charge from our Software Download Page.
Data logging software used with digital panel meters, counters and transmitters
Datalogging Software turns a PC connected to up to 31 Micron digital panel meters or digital counters into a powerful, low-cost datalogging system with virtual meter screen views plus arithmetic and totalizing capabilities.
Base Model Includes:
1/8 DIN Enclosure
Main Board with Green or Red Display
85-264 Volt AC Power Module
Signal Conditioner Module
Tech Note:  For Detailed Information on the Option Modules click on the Tabs above.
View Summary Information on each module by Clicking on the icons below.

Micron MM50 Dual-Channel Pulse Input Totalizer
With Two Independently Scalable Input Channels & Presets


  • Two independently scalable totals for Channels A & B
  • Inputs from NPN or PNP proximity switches, contact closures, digital logic, magnetic pickups down to 12 mV, or AC inputs up to 250 Vac
  • Up counting from zero to preset value using positive scale factor
  • Down counting from preset to zero using negative scale factor
  • Totals stored in non-volatile memory
  • Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac power
  • Transducer excitation output (isolated)
  • Wide choice of options:
    - 2 or 4 relays, mechanical or solid state (isolated)
    - Analog output, 4-20 mA, 0-10V, or -10V to +10V (isolated)
    - Serial data I/O: Ethernet, USB, RS485, RS232 (isolated)
    - Custom curve linearization, rate from consecutive readings
CE Mark RoHS Mark ETL Mark for Laurel Electronics Made in California Mark

The Micron dual-channel up or down totalizer is a basic operating mode of the Micron counter with the FR dual-channel signal conditioner board. Each channel (A or B) may be independently set up and scaled to count up from zero (or other value) to a preset limit, or to count down from a preset value to zero (or other limit). Countdown operation is set up by entering a negative scale factor.

The six-digit counter display is capable of displaying any value from -999,999 to 999,999 with a programmable decimal point. Scaling allows direct readout in engineering units, such as gallons or cubic feet based on counts from a turbine flowmeter, or the count of cans based on the count of six-packs. The displayed channel (A or B) is selected via a front panel pushbutton. The totals are stored in non-volatile memory so as to be retained in the absence of power.

The minimum recommended complementary option for the Micron totalizer is the dual setpoint controller output board, which is available with either 8A relays or AC/DC solid state relays.

An optional Extended counter version provides capabilities beyond those of the Standard counter:

  • Rate and total simultaneously. Channel A can display total while Channel B displays rate. The selection of A or B for display is via a front panel pushbutton. This mode is ideal for flow applications.
  • Up/down counting. Channel A can serve as an up/down counter, where the count direction is dynamically changed by applying a signal to Channel B. For instance, Channel A can count and scale pulses from a turbine flow meter, while Channel B inputs the direction of flow. This allows total volume to be tracked in case of reversible flow.
  • Totalizing with external inhibit. Totalizing by Channel A can be temporarily inhibited by applying a signal to Channel B. For instance, 60 Hz AC pulses can be counted by Channel A and be scaled to display elapsed hours. A signal can be applied to Channel B to start or stop pulse counting when a process is in operation.
  • Custom curve linearization. Exceptionally accurate custom curve linearization is achievable, for example to linearize the low end of turbine flow meters. For setup, up to 180 data points can be input into a spreadsheet or text file by the user. The computer then calculates spline fit segments, which are downloaded into the meter via RS232. The linearized rate can then be totalized by the Extended counter.
  • Arithmetic functions. The Extended counter makes arithmetic functions available, namely A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B and A/B-1. These solve many applications. For instance, A+B allows two input flows to be summed for total volume, while A-B allows outflow to be subtracted from inflow for net volume. A/B allows the mixing of ingredients in a specified ratio. By monitoring and alarming the A/B volume ratio, ingredient B can be added to A until the proper ratio is achieved.

Signal conditioner for Laureate Dual-Channel Up/Down TotalizerThe FR dual-channel signal conditioner accepts inputs from proximity switches with a PNP or NPN output, TTL or CMOS logic, magnetic pickups, contact closures, low-level outputs from turbine flow meters down to 12 mV, and high-level AC line inputs up to 250 Vac. Jumper selections provide optimum operation for different sensor types and noise conditions. A built-in isolated 5, 10, or 24 Vdc excitation supply can power proximity switches and other sensors, and eliminate the need for an external power supply.

Worldwide Sales & Applications Assistance

Optional plug-in boards for communications and control include Ethernet and other serial communication boards, dual or quad relay boards, and single or dual isolated analog output boards. Microns may be powered from 85-264 Vac or optionally from 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc. The display is available with red or green LEDs. The 1/8 DIN case meets NEMA 4X (IP65) specifications from the front when panel mounted. Any setup functions and front panel keys can be locked out for simplified usage and security. All power and signal connections are via UL / VDE / CSA rated screw clamp plugs.


Readout 6 LED digits, 7-segment, 14.2 mm (.56"), red or green.
Color Red or green LED
Display Range -999999 to +999999, XXXXEX notation beyond 999999
Zero Adjust -999999 to +999999
Span Adjust 0 to 999999
Indicators Four LED lamps
Types AC, pulses from NPN, PNP transistors, contact closures, magnetic pickups.
Signal Ground Common ground for channels A & B
Channel A Freq. 0 Hz to 1 MHz
Channel B Freq. 0 Hz to 250 kHz
Minimum Signal Nine ranges from (-12 to +12 mV) to (+1.25 to +2.1V).
Maximum Signal 250 Vac
Noise Filter 1 MHz, 30 kHz, 250 Hz (selectable)
Contact De-bounce 0, 3, 50 ms (selectable)
Excitation Output (standard)
5 Vdc 5 Vdc ± 5%, 100 mA
10 Vdc 10 Vdc ± 5%, 120 mA
24 Vdc 24 Vdc ± 5%, 50 mA
Output Isolation 50 Vdc to meter ground
Power Module
Voltage, standard   85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc
Voltage, optional   12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc
Frequency   DC or 47-63 Hz
Power  consumption (typical, base meter)   1.2W @ 120 Vac, 1.5W @ 240 Vac, 1.3W @ 10 Vdc, 1.4W @ 20 Vdc, 1.55W @ 30 Vdc, 1.8W @ 40 Vdc, 2.15W @ 48 Vdc
Power Isolation   250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Excitation Output (standard)
5 Vdc   5 Vdc ± 5%, 100 mA
10 Vdc   10 Vdc ± 5%, 120 mA
24 Vdc   24 Vdc ± 5%, 50 mA
Output Isolation   50 Vdc to meter ground
Analog Output Module (Optional)
Output levels   4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V (jumper selectable)
Current compliance   2 mA at 10V ( > 5 kΩ load)
Voltage compliance   12V at 20 mA (< 60Ω load)
Scaling   Zero and full scale adjustable from -99999 to +99999
Resolution   16 bits (0.0015% of full scale)
Isolation   250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Relay Outputs (optional)
Relay types   2 Form C contact relays or 4 Form A contact relays (NO) 2 or 4 Form A, AC/DC solid state relays (NO)
Current ratings   8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc for contact relays 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc for solid state relays
Output common   Isolated commons for dual relays or each pair of quad relays
Isolation   250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min tes
Serial Communication I/O (optional)
Board selections   RS232RS485 (dual RJ11 or RJ45 connectors), USB, Ethernet, USB-to-RS485 converterEthernet-to-RS485 converter
Protocols   Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Modbus TCP (Ethernet), Custom ASCII
Data rates   300 to 19200 baud
Digital addresses   247 (Modbus), 31 (Custom ASCII),
Isolation   250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Signal Connections
DC panel meter signal connections
Operating temperature   0°C to 55°C
Storage temperature.   -40°C to 85°C
Relative humidity   95% at 40°C, non-condensing
Protection   NEMA-4X (IP-65) when panel mounted

Signal Connections

Signal connections to Laurel pulse input batch controller


Up/Down Totalizing
Dual-channel up/down totalizing using one channel for counts and one channel for count direction Up/down totalizing is provided by a mode of the Extended counter where pulses are either added or subtracted on Channel A based on a direction input on Channel B. The counter can also be programmed so that counting by Channel A is inhibited by an input on Channel B.
Combining Two Totals
Dual-channel up/down totalizing, where two channels are added or subtracted. A+B, A-B and A/B arithmetic functions are available with the Extended counter. A+B sums both totals, while A-B subtracts the outflow total from inflow total. The A/B ratio applied to total helps assure the proper mixing of components.

Controller setup and monitoring of the mixing operation are facilitated by optional serial communications. RS485 allows a single data line to handle multiple controllers.
Up or Down Counting with Preset
Two repetitive fill operations handled by a single Laureate dual-channel digital counter and totalizer A single Micron dual-channel counter will handle two repetitive fill operations by counting from zero up to a preset, or down from a preset to zero. A dual set-point relay board is required.
Machine Rune Time and Utilization
Dual-channel up/down totalizing to measure machine ON time by counting power line cycles. An easy way to measure the run time of machines is to count AC line cycles and scale the total to hours. To display machine utilization or duty cycle in percent, use the Extended counter. Connect Channel A to switched AC and Channel B to the AC line, and have the counter display the A/B ratio with a 100 multiplier.
Total and Rate Simultaneously
Displaying rate and total in the same Laureate digital panel totalizer and rate meter The Extended version of the Micron dual channel counter can display scaled rate or total for the same channel at the push of a button, and alarm both the rate and total. The Extended version can also do curve linearization, thereby extending the working range and accuracy of flow transducers.
System-level Capabilities
The Micron dual channel totalizer can independently scale, display and alarm two totals, and the totals plus alarm data can be transmitted via RS232 or RS485. The displayed totals can also be transmitted as an isolated 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output. The Extended version can further display and transmit arithmetic combinations of the two totals. Control with a flow totalizer by Micron Meters

Micron MM50 Series Power Modules

85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc, or 12-32 Vac / 10-48 Vdc Power Input Isolated 5, 10 & 24 Vdc Transducer Excitation Output
12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc power input board(left)
85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc power input (right)

Key Features

  • Lightweight, high-frequency switching power supply design.
  • 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc power version
  • 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc power version
  • Isolated 5, 10 or 24 Vdc transducer excitation output
  • UL Recognized on-board fuse
  • Three selectable isolated excitation outputs
  • Certified to EN 61010-1 (CE mark) and RoHS
  • ETL certified to UL 61010-1 and CSA C22.2#61010-1


Micron's MM50 digital panel meters, digital counters and 6-digit remote display offer a choice of two high-frequency switching power supplies. These provide stable, isolated power for instrument operation plus excitation outputs at a substantially reduced weight and over a broader range of input voltages and power frequencies than conventional linear supplies.
  • High voltage AC or DC power. The standard Micron supply accepts power from 85-264 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This allows the same meter to operate worldwide without modification. The supply also accepts 90 to 300 Vdc (high voltage DC operation not ETL approved).
  • Low voltage AC or DC power. An optional low voltage supply operates from 10 to 48 Vdc or 12 to 30 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This supply allows the Micron to be powered from batteries or from 28 Vac, 400 Hz aircraft power (400 Hz operation not ETL approved).

Isolated Excitation Output

Each power supply provides three jumper-selectable, isolated excitation outputs: 5 Vdc at 100 mA, 10 Vdc at 120 mA, or 24 Vdc at 50 mA. These outputs can be used to power external sensors, transmitters and up to four 350 ohm load cells in parallel, thereby avoiding the need for an expensive external supply. When powering a load cell or potentiometer, a ratiometric operating mode can be selected, where the meter monitors the excitation supply and removes the effects of voltage variation.

In addition to the isolated excitation output, regulated 5 Vdc at up to 50 mA is brought out and can be used to power external logic.

Wiring of Excitation Output

4-Wire, 4-20mA Transmitter Wiring4-Wire, 4-20mA Transmitter Wiring
2-Wire, 4-20mA Transmitter Wiring2-Wire, 4-20mA Transmitter Wiring
  • With four-wire transmitters, two wires are used to apply 10 or 24 Vdc, and two separate wires are used to sense the transmitter's 4-20 mA output.
  • With two-wire transmitters, the same two wires are used to power the transmitter and carry the 4-20 mA output, which is made to flow across an internal 10 ohm resistor between pins 3 and 4.

Both power supplies and their connectors (standard) are designed to UL/IEC/CSA safety standards. The two supplies also do double-duty by providing two connector inputs (A & B) and a digital ground for signals such as meter hold, reset, tare, etc. These signals do not affect power supply operation.


Module PS1
Module PS2
Power Consumption
85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc
12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc
DC and 47-63 Hz
5.3 W max
Module PS1
Module PS2
Module PS2 On-board fuse rated 0.5A, 277 Vac, UL Recognized
On-board fuse rated 2.5A at 250 Vac or 63 Vdc, UL Recognized

Selectable Outputs

5 Vdc ± 5%, 100 mA
10 Vdc ± 5%, 120 mA
24 Vdc ± 5%, 50 mA
Isolation to Power Gound
Isolation to Meter Ground
50 mVp-p max
250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
50 Vp

Micron MM50 Meter Dual or Quad Relay Option Modules

Dual 8A Contact Relays
Quad 8A Contact Relays
Dual 120mA Solid State Relays
Quad 120mA Solid State Relays
CE Mark
RoHs Mark
ETL Mark
Made in the U.S.A.


Standard Features

  • Fits all 1/8 DIN Micron DPMs, counters, timers & remote displays
  • Choice of four relay output boards :
- Two contact relays
- Two solid state relays
- Four contact relays
- Four solid state relays
  • Contact relays rated 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc
  • Solid state relays rated 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc
  • Outputs can be based on filtered or unfiltered signal input
  • Responds in one reading or after programmable delay
  • Selectable operating modes:
- Output above or below setpoint
- Latching or non-latching
- Band deviation or hysteresis around each setpoint
  • Setpoint setup via front panel pushbuttons or a PC
  • Security lockout of front panel setpoint controls
  • Certified to EN 61010-1 (CE mark) and RoHS

Electrocontact or Solid State Relays

Four optional plug-in setpoint controller boards are available to add control and alarm capability to 1/8 DIN Micron DPMs, counters, timers and remote displays:

  • Two contact relays
  • Two solid state relays
  • Four contact relays
  • Four solid state relays

The contact relays are rated for 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc and are recommended for high currents. The dual contact relays are mutually isolated Form C relays and can be wired to be normally open (NO) or normally closed ($0) when not energized. The quad contact relays are normally open (NO) Form A relays and share a common isolated ground in pairs.

The solid state relays are rated for 120 mA at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc and are recommended for low currents and frequent switching. They are Form A relays, which are normally open (NO) when not energized. As for the contact relays, the dual solid state relays are mutually isolated, and the quad solid state relays share a common isolated ground in pairs.

Operating Modes

  • Operation above or below setpoint. Each relay may be individually programmed to be energized above or below a setpoint, or may be disabled.
  • Latching or non-latching. Each relay may be individually programmed to operate in a latching or non-latching mode. In the latching mode, when an alarm or shutdown condition is reached, the output remains in the alarm condition until it is reset by front panel pushbuttons, via the serial interface, or via the rear connector. In the non-latching mode, the output is automatically reset when the alarm condition no longer exists.
  • Band deviation mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a band deviation mode, where an alarm is generated whenever the reading is a specified number of counts above or below the setpoint. In particular, band deviation is ideal to flag an out-of-tolerance condition.
  • Hysteresis mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a hysteresis mode, where turn-on occurs at a specified amount above the setpoint and turn-off occurs at the same amount below the setpoint.
  • Filtered or unfiltered input. Relay action may be derived from either the filtered or unfiltered DPM input signals. Using the unfiltered signal improves response time, which is typically 17 ms for a DPM with the solid state relay board. Fast response time is one of the major strengths of Micron DPMs, which can digitize analog data as often as 60 times per second. Using the filtered input reduces the chance of alarm triggering due to noise.
  • Provisions for signal noise. A programmable time delay and reduction of relay chatter can be achieved in the DPM by selecting 1 to 128 readings in binary steps (17 ms to 2.1 s) prior to updating the output. Snubber circuitry is part of the contact relay board to prolong contact life. The relay response time of counters is controlled by a selectable gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s.

Relay Setup

Setpoint values and operating modes can be entered via front panel pushbuttons or by computer via the serial interface. Security lockout modes of the front panel pushbuttons can be set to allow operators to view and change setpoint values, view but not changes setpoint values, or not view nor change setpoint values. The Micron Weight Meter and Batch Controller offer relay control modes beyond those of normal meter or counter operation.

Electrical Connections

Form C (SPDT) dual contact relays Relays can be connected to be normally open (OC) or normally closed ($0). Relay grounds are mutually isolated.
Form A (SPST) quad contact relays Relays are normally open (NO). Each pair of relays shares an isolated ground.
Form A (SPST) dual solid state relays Relays are normally open (NO). Relay grounds are mutually isolated.
Form A (SPST) quad solid state relays Relays are normally open (NO). Each pair of relays shares an isolated ground.

Setpoint Operating Modes

Normal, Non-Latched Operation In this mode, the relay closes when the reading rises above the setpoint and opens when the reading falls below the setpoint. Relay ON/OFF control action is independently programmable for each of the two relays and can be reversed through a setup command.
Latched Operation The relay stays actuated until reset externally. This mode can be used to shut down machinery or a process when an operating limit has been exceeded, or to maintain an alarm until acknowledged by an operator when the alarm condition has passed.
Mixed Latched and Non-Latched Operation One of the relays can operate in a non-latched mode, for instance to turn off a heater when an operating temperature setpoint is reached. The other relay can operate as a latching fail-safe backup and turn off the entire process when a second, higher setpoint is reached, indicating a malfunction.
Deviation Mode Operation A deviation limit (50 in this example) is set up around both sides of the setpoint. The relay closes (or opens) when the reading falls within the deviation band, and opens (or closes) when the reading falls outside of this band. This mode sets up a passband around the setpoint and is often used for component testing.
Wide Hysteresis Mode Operation In this example, a hysteresis limit of 600 is set below the setpoint. The relay closes when the reading reaches a lower limit (the setpoint less hysteresis) and opens when the reading reaches an upper limit (the setpoint). One application is automatic tank filling. A fill operation is automatically initiated when the tank level has reached a lower level and is terminated when the level has reached an upper level.
Narrow Hysteresis Mode Operation Hysteresis can be used to minimize the number of ON/OFF control cycles around a setpoint, thereby increasing the life of motors, relays, etc. A very narrow hysteresis band (such as 5 counts) can also be used to minimize relay chatter around a setpoint due to electrical noise on the signal, or due to signal feedback caused by load switching. The hysteresis limit should exceed the noise amplitude.
Power Provided by meter
Setup Front panel pushbuttons or via PC using RS232, RS485 or USB
Input Filtering Setpoint compared to either filtered or unfiltered signal.
Time Delay Unfiltered, or programmable delay from 1 to 128 readings
Relay Operating Modes 1) Activate above or below setpoint
2) Latching or non-latching
3) Hysteresis or band deviation mode around each setpoint
4) Relays disabled
Enable/Lockout Modes 1) Display and change setpoint via front panel pushbuttons.
2) Display setpoints via alarm pushbutton, but do not allow changes.
3) Disable pushbutton action for setpoints.
Alarm Status Indication
Type Two or four red LED indicators
Lamp Lit When relay is energized
Contact Relay Versions
Form, Dual Relays Form C, single-pole, double-throw (SPDT)
Form, Quad Relays Form A, single-pole, single-throw (SPST), normally open (NO)
Current Rating 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc
Safety Rating 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Relay Grounds Grounds of dual relays are mutually isolated
Grounds of quad relays are isolated in pairs
Operate Time 7 ms (typical) from end of conversion
Release Time 5 ms (typical) from end of conversion
Solid State Relay Versions
Form of Relays Form A, single-pole, single-throw (SPST), normally open (NO)
Current Rating 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc
ON series resistance 18 ohms typical, 25 ohms max
Isolation Type Optical
Safety Rating 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Operate & Release Time 1 ms (typical) from end of conversion
Operating temperature 0°C to 60°C
Storage temperature. -40°C to 85°C
Relative humidity 95% at 40°C, non-condensing

Micron MM50 Meter 16-Bit Analog Output Option Module

16-Bit Analog Option Board

Key Features

  • 16-bit resolution (1 part in 65,536 or 0.0015% of full scale)
  • 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, or bipolar -10 to +10V analog output
  • Analog output linearized to reading
  • Analog output isolated to 250 Vac
  • ±0.02% full scale accuracy
  • Scale and offset via meter front panel, RS232, RS485 or USB
  • Certified to EN 61010-1 (CE mark) and RoHS
  • Output derived from filtered or unfiltered signal input
  • 12V compliance at 20 mA
CE Mark
RoHs Mark
ETL Mark
Made in the U.S.A.


A 16-bit analog output option board can turn a Micron 1/8 DIN digital panel meter, counter, timer or remote display into a superb, isolated, linearized transmitter or signal conditioner with exceptional accuracy and high-speed response. The analog output for thermocouples, RTDs and custom curves is linearized to the displayed reading.

The analog output can be selected as 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, unipolar 0-10V, or bipolar -10V to +10V with a 20V span and 0V at mid-range. If a voltage output is selected, output pins 1 and 2 may be reversed to provide reversed polarity.

A 16-bit D-to-A converter provides 0.0015% full-scale resolution and ±0.02% full-scale accuracy. The update rate for meters is a fast 60/sec for 60 Hz power or 50/sec at 50 Hz power. The analog output can track the unfiltered signal for fastest response, or a digitally filtered signal for best noise rejection.

Isolation from power and signal is provided by a separate power supply in the meter. This supply can drive 20 mA of current into loads up to 600 ohms for 12V compliance. Isolation to signal ground and power ground eliminates problems caused by ground loops.

Scaling of the analog output can be via the meter's front panel pushbuttons or a serial digital interface using Instrument Setup software. The displayed readings to produce the low and high analog outputs can be set to any value from -99999 to +99999 for DPMs or from -999999 to +999999 for counters and timers. Depending on your selected output range, simply set the meter reading for low analog output (4 mA, 0 mA, 0V or -10V) and for high analog output (20 mA or 10V).

bipolar analog output The bipolar -10V to +10V analog output can provide a negative signal for a negative deviation from a setpoint, and a positive signal for a positive deviation. It can also be used for proportional control around a setpoint. For example, if proportional control is desired around 170°C with a ±10°C span, set the -10V output to 160°C and the +10V output to 180°C. The control signal will be 0V at 170°C.

Micron DIN rail transmitters come standard with a 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, or bipolar -10 to +10V analog output with 16-bit resolution.


Power source Provided by meter
Signal source Filtered or unfiltered digitized signal
Output linearization Linearized to reading
Output Levels (selectable) 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to 10V
Compliance at 20 mA 12V ( 600 Ω max load )
Compliance at 10 V 2 mA ( 5 kΩ min load)
Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
Output resolution 16 bits (0.0015% of full scale)
Output nonlinearity < 0.01% of full scale
Accuracy < 0.02% of full scale
Output update rate, DPMs 50 or 60/sec (output may be digitally filtered)
Output update rate, counter rate meter Gate time + 30 ms + 0-2 periods
Zero output & full-scale output, DPMs -99,999 to +99,999 counts
Zero output & full-scale output, counters -999,999 to +999,999 counts
Minimum span 150 counts
J4 Pin Assignments
Unipolar Connections Bipolar Connections
4-20 mA or 0-20 mA output 1 Reference or Return 1
0-10V output 2 -10V to +10V Output 2
Isolated ground 3 N/C 3

Micron MM50 Meter Serial Communication Option Modules

Serial Communication Option Boards

Key Features

  • Communication boards available for RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet
  • Usable in all 1/8 DIN size Laureate DPMs, counters, timers & remote displays
  • All boards fully support Modbus and Laurel Custom ASCII protocols
  • User-selectable baud rates to 19,200
  • Converter boards connect a USB or Ethernet line to RS485 bus with up to 31 meters
  • Powered by instrument
  • Isolated from meter and power grounds
CE Mark
RoHs Mark
ETL Mark
Made in the U.S.A.


Meter connection to PC via an RS232 or USB serial cable. A serial communication option board allows a Micron digital panel meter, counter or timer to be interfaced to a PC for programming via Micron Windows-based Instrument Setup Software, or to output readings to a remote PC, PLC or other device with a serial communication port. The transmitted data may include the latest reading, peak value, valley value, alarm status, and setup information. The data can then be displayed, processed and data logged. The data can also be received by a Micron 6-digit remote display, which will display the serial data and also process the serial data to control relay outputs and generate a scaled, isolated 4-20 mA, 0-10V or -10V to +10V analog output.

If the primary objective is to program a meter directly from a PC using Instrument Setup Software, an RS232 or USB interface board is recommended, depending on the available PC port. Once the meter has been programmed, the interface board can be removed if no longer needed.

Micron meters on RS485 bus driven by USB-to-RS485 device server.

If the objective is to connect a network of meters to a PC, our USB 2.0-to-RS485 converter board can be used. That board can be connected to a PC via a USB port, and also act as the server for up to 31 meters on an RS485 bus via an RJ11 connector. The remote meters must be equipped with Micron RS485 interface board. That board features dual RJ11 connectors for RS485 daisy-chaining using commercial 6-wire RJ11 data cables, with no need for a hub.

Micron meters on RS485 bus

If the objective is to connect meters to an existing Modbus RS485 bus, either of two RS485 interface board can be selected. Our RS485 Modbus interface board uses RJ45 connectors as recommended by the Modbus standard, while our RS485 interface board uses RJ11 connectors, which are also used for Modbus. Both boards are fully compatible with the Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII protocols, as are all other Micron serial interface boards. Both RS485 boards provide dual connectors (RJ485 or RJ11) for RS485 daisy-chaining using commercial 6-wire data cables with the appropriate connector (RJ485 or RJ11), with no need for a hub.

Micron meters connected to Ethernet router

If the objective is to connect a meter to an Ethernet LAN, our Ethernet interface board allows a meter to be connected to an available router port using a standard Ethernet cable. Our Node Manager software makes node discovery and setup exceptionally simple.

Micron meters connected to Internet

If the objective is to connect a network of meters to an Ethernet LAN, our new Ethernet-to-RS485 converter board should be selected. That board can be connected to an Ethernet LAN utilizing a single Ethernet cable and also act as the server for up to 31 meters on an RS485 bus via an RJ11 connector. The remote meters must be equipped with Micron RS485 interface board. The Ethernet-to-RS485 converter board features dual RJ11 connectors for RS485 daisy-chaining using commercial 6-wire RJ11 data cables, with no need for a hub. Our new Node Manager software makes meter discovery and setup exceptionally simple.

Three serial protocols are user-selectable: Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, and Micron ASCII. For more information, please see our Modbus Protocol Serial Communications Manual and our Serial Communications Manual.

  • The Modbus protocol is an international standard and allows Microns to share the same RS485 data lines with non-Micron devices. It supports up to 247 digital addresses. Use of more than 31 Micron RS485 Modbus boards per line would require a repeater for impedance reasons.
  • The Micron ASCII protocol is recommended if the only devices on the RS485 data line are Micron meters. It supports up to 31 digital addresses.

Quick Selection Guide

Interface Board Features & Compatibility Ethernet
RS232 Board
Fits all 1/8 DIN Micron
Instrument Setup software
Modbus RTU & ASCII
Conversion to Modbus TCP          
Laurel ASCII protocol
Digitally addressable
Single or duplex RS485      
RS485 converter capability          
Main Serial I/O Connector RJ45 RJ45 RJ11 USB USB RJ11 RJ45
Connectors for RS485 server   2 x RJ11     2 x RJ11    


Electrical Specifications

Electrical Safety & Isolation
Isolation 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test
ESD Protection 15 kV per IEC 1000-4-2
EMI Immunity 10 V/m per IEC 1000-4-3
EFT Protection 2 kV per IEC 1000-4-4s
Short Circuit Protection Continuous
Selectable Protocols Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCII.

Protocol Specifications

(implemented on meter main board)
Modbus RTU
Standards Compliance Modbus over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002)
Data Formats (selectable) 1. No parity, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
2. Odd parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
3. Even parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Applicable Interface Boards Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485
Main Board Revision Level Level 5 or above
Modbus ASCII
Standards Compliance Modbus over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002)
Data Formats (selectable) 1. No parity, 7 data bits, 2 stop bits
2. Odd parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit
3. Even parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit
Applicable Interface Boards Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485
Main Board Revision Level Level 5 or above
Laurel ASCII
Data Format No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Protocol Laurel Laurel ASCII
Applicable Interface Boards Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485
Main Board Revision Level Any

Communication Option Module Overview

Ethernet-to-RS485 converter board Provides an RJ45 connector to an Ethernet LAN plus an RJ11 connector to an RS485 bus. Supports Ethernet communications with the host meter or counter plus an additional 30 meters or counters on the RS485 bus.
RS232 interface board Single RJ11 connector for point-to-point data communications to a PC RS232 COM port. Compatible with 4- or 6-wire data cables.
RS485 interface boarddual RJ11 connectors Dual RJ11 connectors allow daisy-chaining without a hub. Jumper selectable 2-wire (half duplex) or 4-wire (full duplex) connection. RJ11 connectors allow use of commercial 6-wire data cables.
RS485 interface board, dual RJ45 connectors Dual RJ45 connectors for daisy-chaining without a hub. Jumper selectable 2-wire (half duplex) or 4-wire (full duplex) connection. RJ45 connectors conform to the Modbus standard (but RJ11 connectors are more popular).
USB 2.0 interface board Single USB Type-B receptacle for USB 2.0 I/O. Allows plug-and-pay connection of meter to a PC with a USB port.
USB 2.0-to-RS485 converter board Includes a USB Type-B receptacle for USB 2.0 I/O plus an RJ11 connector for RS485. Allows meter to communicate with a PC via USB while also serving as a USB-to-RS485 converter and server for up a 31-device RS485 network.

Micron MM50 Series Signal Conditioner Modules

Load cell signal conditioner board for Micron digital panel meter

Four signal conditioner boards are selectable for DPMs:

  • DC (volts, amps, mV, mA, process, potentiometric ratio).
  • AC True RMS (AC volts, mV, amps, mA).
  • Thermocouple (Types J, K, T, E, N, R, S)
  • RTD (Pt 100, Ni 120, Cu 10) and Ohms (2 Ω to 2 MΩ ranges)
  • Load cell (load cell, strain gauge, scale meter, microvolts).

Three input boards are selectable for counters:

Dual-channel pulse input, voltage-to-frequency converter for analog inputs, and quadrature for position or rate from encoder signals.
  • Frequency, period, rate (dual pulse inut channels A & B, 0.005 Hz to 1 MHz)
  • Digital stopwatch (for single or accumulated events)
  • Time interval meter (for average of periodic events)
  • Power factor & phase angle meter (for AC signals)
  • Duty cycle meter (or or off period as a percentage of total period)
  • Up / down totalizer (with dual channels A & B, with external inputs for external control)
  • Ratio, draw, channels A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B, A/B-1 (arithmetic operations on dual pulse input channels A & B)
  • Batch controller (to control recurring fill operations from pulse inputs)
  • Voltage-to-frequency converter (rate, total, batch control from analog inputs)
  • Quadrature meter / controller (position or rate from encoder signals)

If you have additional Question on the MM50 Meters, send us a message via our contact page.

Micron MM50 1/8 DIN Case

For Micron Digital Panel Meters, Counters, Timers & Remote Displays

Micron panel meter case

Key Features

  • Meets 1/8 DIN Standard.
  • Installs from front of panel.
  • Short depth behind the panel: only 4" (102 mm) plus connectors.
  • Understated 0.157" (4 mm) thick bezel.
  • Meets NEMA 4X (IP-65) for high-pressure wash-down when panel mounted.
  • Screw clamps connectors meet VDE / IEC / UL / CSA safety standards.
  • Rugged GE Lexan® housing material.
  • Safety certified per EN 61010-1.
CE Mark RoHS Mark ETL Mark for Laurel Electronics


Mechanical specifications of Laureate digital panel meters and electronic counters

Maximum panel thickness: 4.5 mm (0.18")
Weight of base meter:
210 g (7.4 oz) typical (DPM, counter, timer, 6-digit remote display)
Weight of option boards: 30 g (1.0 oz) typical per board (analog output, relay output, communications)
Dimensioned CAD assembly drawings in EPRT, STEP, x_t. dwg, pdf file formats: (zipping prevents browser from opening CAD files as text files).

Micron MM50 Digital Panel Meter
Dual Channel Pulse Input Totalizer

Data Sheet -Dual Channel Pulse Input Totalizer

Manual - MM50 Series 2 Digital Panel Meter

With Standard Counter Main Board: Scalable to ±999,999 for frequency, rate, square root of rate, up or down total, period, stopwtch timing, average time interval of periodic events. With Extended Main Board: Above, plus rate and total simultaneously, dynamic up-down counting, arithemetic functions applicable to channels A & B (A+B, A-B, A/B, AxB, A/B-1), phase angle, power factor, duty cycle, batch control, custom curve linearization.
Extended Main Board: Above, plus rate and total simultaneously, dynamic up-down counting, arithemetic functions applicable to channels A & B (A+B, A-B, A/B, AxB, A/B-1), phase angle, power factor, duty cycle, batch control, custom curve linearization

Micron Digital Panel Meters, digital counters and 6-digit remote display offer a choice of two high-frequency switching power supplies. These provide stable, isolated power for instrument operation plus excitation outputs at a substantially reduced weight and over a broader range of input voltages and power frequencies than conventional linear supplies.

  • High voltage AC or DC power. The standard power supply module accepts power from 85-264 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This allows the same meter to operate worldwide without modification. The supply also accepts 90 to 300 Vdc (High voltage DC operation not ETL approved).
  • Low voltage AC or DC power. An optional low voltage supply operates from 10 to 48 Vdc or 12 to 30 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This supply allows the meter to be powered from batteries or from 28 Vac, 400 Hz aircraft power (400 Hz operation not ETL approved).

Isolated Excitation Output
Each power supply provides three jumper-selectable, isolated excitation outputs: 5 Vdc at 100 mA, 10 Vdc at 120 mA, or 24 Vdc at 50 mA. These outputs can be used to power external sensors, transmitters and up to four 350 ohm load cells in parallel, thereby avoiding the need for an expensive external supply. When powering a load cell or potentiometer, a ratiometric operating mode can be selected, where the meter monitors the excitation supply and removes the effects of voltage variation.

In addition to the isolated excitation output, regulated 5 Vdc at up to 50 mA is brought out and can be used to power external logic

High voltage AC or DC power. The standard power supply module accepts power from 85-264 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This allows the same meter to operate worldwide without modification. The supply also accepts 90 to 300 Vdc (High voltage DC operation not ETL approved).
Low voltage AC or DC power. An optional low voltage power supply module operates from 10 to 48 Vdc or 12 to 30 Vac, 47-63 Hz. This supply allows the meter to be powered from batteries or from 28 Vac, 400 Hz aircraft power (400 Hz operation not ETL approved).

Electro-contact or Solid State Relays

Four optional plug-in set-point controller boards are available to add control and alarm capability to 1/8 DIN Micron Digital Panel Meters, counters, timers and remote displays:

  • Two contact relays
  • Two solid state relays
  • Four contact relays
  • Four solid state relays

The Contact Relays are rated for 8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc and are recommended for high currents. The dual contact relays are mutually isolated Form C relays and can be wired to be normally open (NO) or normally closed ($0) when not energized. The quad contact relays are normally open (NO) Form A relays and share a common isolated ground in pairs.

The Solid State Relays are rated for 120 mA at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc and are recommended for low currents and frequent switching. They are Form A relays, which are normally open (NO) when not energized. As for the contact relays, the dual solid state relays are mutually isolated, and the quad solid state relays share a common isolated ground in pairs.

Operating Modes

  • Operation above or below set-point. Each relay may be individually programmed to be energized above or below a set-point, or may be disabled.
  • Latching or non-latching. Each relay may be individually programmed to operate in a latching or non-latching mode. In the latching mode, when an alarm or shutdown condition is reached, the output remains in the alarm condition until it is reset by front panel push-buttons, via the serial interface, or via the rear connector. In the non-latching mode, the output is automatically reset when the alarm condition no longer exists.
  • Band deviation mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a band deviation mode, where an alarm is generated whenever the reading is a specified number of counts above or below the set-point. In particular, band deviation is ideal to flag an out-of-tolerance condition.
  • Hysteresis mode. Each relay may be set to operate in a hysteresis mode, where turn-on occurs at a specified amount above the setpoint and turn-off occurs at the same amount below the set-point.
  • Filtered or unfiltered input. Relay action may be derived from either the filtered or unfiltered DPM input signals. Using the unfiltered signal improves response time, which is typically 17 ms for a DPM with the solid state relay board. Fast response time is one of the major strengths of Micron Digital Panel Meters, which can digitize analog data as often as 60 times per second. Using the filtered input reduces the chance of alarm triggering due to noise.
  • Provisions for signal noise. A programmable time delay and reduction of relay chatter can be achieved in the DPM by selecting 1 to 128 readings in binary steps (17 ms to 2.1 s) prior to updating the output. Snubber circuitry is part of the contact relay board to prolong contact life. The relay response time of counters is controlled by a selectable gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s.

Relay Setup

Set-point values and operating modes can be entered via front panel push-buttons or by computer via the serial interface. Security lockout modes of the front panel push-buttons can be set to allow operators to view and change set-point values, view but not changes set-point values, or not view nor change set-point values. The Micron Weight Meter and Batch Controller offer relay control modes beyond those of normal meter or counter operation

No Relays

A 16-bit analog output option board can turn a Micron 1/8 DIN digital panel meter, counter, timer or remote display into a superb, isolated, linearized transmitter or signal conditioner with exceptional accuracy and high-speed response. The analog output for thermocouples, RTDs and custom curves is linearized to the displayed reading.

The analog output can be selected as 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, unipolar 0-10V, or bipolar -10V to +10V with a 20V span and 0V at mid-range. If a voltage output is selected, output pins 1 and 2 may be reversed to provide reversed polarity.

A 16-bit D-to-A converter provides 0.0015% full-scale resolution and ±0.02% full-scale accuracy. The update rate for meters is a fast 60/sec for 60 Hz power or 50/sec at 50 Hz power. The analog output can track the unfiltered signal for fastest response, or a digitally filtered signal for best noise rejection.

Isolation from power and signal is provided by a separate power supply in the meter. This supply can drive 20 mA of current into loads up to 600 ohms for 12V compliance. Isolation to signal ground and power ground eliminates problems caused by ground loops.

Scaling of the analog output can be via the meter's front panel pushbuttons or a serial digital interface using Instrument Setup software. The displayed readings to produce the low and high analog outputs can be set to any value from -99999 to +99999 for DPMs or from -999999 to +999999 for counters and timers. Depending on your selected output range, simply set the meter reading for low analog output (4 mA, 0 mA, 0V or -10V) and for high analog output (20 mA or 10V).

The bipolar -10V to +10V analog output can provide a negative signal for a negative deviation from a setpoint, and a positive signal for a positive deviation. It can also be used for proportional control around a setpoint. For example, if proportional control is desired around 170°C with a ±10°C span, set the -10V output to 160°C and the +10V output to 180°C. The control signal will be 0V at 170°C.

Micron DIN rail transmitters come standard with a 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, or bipolar -10 to +10V analog output with 16-bit resolution.

No Analog Output
4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V (jumper selectable)

Ethernet-to-RS485 converter board

Provides an RJ45 connector to an Ethernet LAN plus an RJ11 connector to an RS485 bus. Supports Ethernet communications with the host meter or counter plus an additional 30 meters or counters on the RS485 bus.

RS232 interface board

Single RJ11 connector for point-to-point data communications to a PC RS232 COM port. Compatible with 4- or 6-wire data cables.

RS485 interface board, dual RJ11 connectors

Dual RJ11 connectors allow daisy-chaining without a hub. Jumper selectable 2-wire (half duplex) or 4-wire (full duplex) connection. RJ11 connectors allow use of commercial 6-wire data cables.

RS485 interface board, dual RJ11 connectors

Dual RJ11 connectors allow daisy-chaining without a hub. Jumper selectable 2-wire (half duplex) or 4-wire (full duplex) connection. RJ11 connectors allow use of commercial 6-wire data cables.

RS485 interface board, dual RJ45 connectors

Dual RJ45 connectors for daisy-chaining without a hub. Jumper selectable 2-wire (half duplex) or 4-wire (full duplex) connection. RJ45 connectors conform to the Modbus standard (but RJ11 connectors are more popular).

USB 2.0 interface board

Single USB Type-B receptacle for USB 2.0 I/O. Allows plug-and-pay connection of meter to a PC with a USB port.

USB 2.0-to-RS485 converter board

Includes a USB Type-B receptacle for USB 2.0 I/O plus an RJ11 connector for RS485. Allows meter to communicate with a PC via USB while also serving as a USB-to-RS485 converter and server for up a 31-device RS485 network.


No Digital Interface
Signal Conditioner
RS232 cable, RJ11 to DB9, 7 ft. Connects RS232 ports of meter and PC.
USB to RS232 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL01 connects meter RS232 port to PC USB port. Combination of CBL02 and CBL04 connects transmitter RS232 terminals to PC USB port
6-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 1 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.
6-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 7 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.
USB cable, A-B. Connects USB ports of meter and PC.
USB to RS485 adapter cable, half duplex, RJ11 to USB. Connects meter RS485 port to PC USB por
Benchtop Laboratory Case for One 1/8 DIN Meter
Benchtop Laboratory Case for Two 1/8 DIN Meters
Meter Lens with Button Pads but no Micron Logo
Meter Lens without Button Pads or Micron Logo
Splash-proof Cover
NEMA-4 Enclosure
NEMA-4 Enclosure plus IPC Splash-proof Cover
  • M5 Standard Main Board | Green Display
  • 0 Isolated Power 85-264 Vac
  • 0 No Relays
  • 0 No Analog Output
  • 0 No Digital Interface
  • FR Dual-Channel Pulse Input Signal Conditioner