Tinytag Calibration FAQs | Calibrating data loggers

CAL-9001.1 | Custom Calibration | Temp. (1) Extra Point

Price: $95.00

Note: Calibration will Add 10-14 Day Delivery Delays.

Custom Point

We can calibrate units within the following ranges:

  • Temperature: -20 to +150 °C
  • Humidity: 20 to 90 % RH (at 25°C)

Enter your required point in the notes field of the check-out page.

Calibration Options

Calibration certificates can be purchased along with the logger at the point of sale. Tinytags already in use can also be returned for a service calibration at any time, for a standard charge.
Tinytag data loggers are guaranteed to meet the specification stated on their data sheets for a twelve month period from the point of purchase. If required, additional validation certificates traceable to national standards may be purchased when buying the loggers. These calibration certificates can be provided at the time of purchase. Tinytags already in use can also be returned for a service calibration at any time, for a standard charge.

Calibration Certificates

The calibration certificate provides verification that the data logger has been checked and has been found to be reading within the specification quoted on the unit's data sheet. Data loggers are compared to a reference meter that has been calibrated in a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) approved laboratory. The certificate lists the value recorded by the reference meter (the point at which the data logger was tested), the value recorded by the data logger and the error between the two readings (the certificate will also show readings before and after any adjustment made to the unit where appropriate). In addition to the reading information, calibration certificates also list the test method and the details of the equipment used to provide traceability back to national standards.

Calibration certificates do not have a period of validity, they are simply a statement of what the unit was reading when it was tested.

Standard Calibration Points

For temperature and humidity loggers, our standard calibration points, which are used unless otherwise specified, are:
  • Temperature: 0 and 30°C
  • Humidity: 20 and 80 % RH (at 25°C)

Custom Points

These points have been chosen to give good coverage for general purpose use, but should other points be required we can calibrate units within the following ranges:
  • Temperature: -20 to +150 °C
  • Humidity: 20 to 90 % RH (at 25°C)
CO2 loggers, our calibration points are:

  • 0 to 2000ppm units: 250, 500 and 1750ppm
  • 0 to 5000ppm units: 500, 2,500 and 4000ppm

We do not have standard calibration points for voltage and current loggers. Please contact us to discuss the calibration points you require.