Technical Documents and Software Download Links for
- T24 Wireless Sensor System.
- X24 Wireless Sensor System
- Signal Conditioners Analog Output
- Signal Converters Digital Output
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Support-T24 Wireless Sensor System
Technical Support Documents for our products are available in Adobe PDF file format.

A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded direct from Adobe by
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Document Downloads (PDF)
Software Downloads
- T24 Toolkit : Version 2.4.8 This toolkit allows configuration, calibration and testing of the T24 range of 2.4GHz telemetry products.
- T24 Quick View : Version 2.0.0 This product allows you to view and log data from the T24 range of 2.4GHz telemetry acquisition modules. Only works with T24-BSu USB base station. What Does It Do
- 100 Channel Logging & Visualisation Software (T24LOG100) : For use with up to 100 channels using T24 range of sensor transmitters, view, log and browse data on demand, set visual and audible alarms. Graphics and mapping capabilities. Customised branding available. Allows remote viewing via webserver.
Support-X24 Wireless Sensor System for Hazardous Zones
Technical Support Documents for our products are available in Adobe PDF file format.

A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded direct from Adobe by
Clicking Here .
Documents X24
Software Downloads
- T24 Toolkit : Version 2.4.8 This toolkit allows configuration, calibration and testing of the T24 range of 2.4GHz telemetry products.
- T24 Quick View : Version 2.0.0 This product allows you to view and log data from the T24 range of 2.4GHz telemetry acquisition modules. Only works with T24-BSu USB base station.
- 100 Channel Logging & Visualization Software (T24LOG100) : For use with up to 100 channels using T24 range of sensor transmitters, view, log and browse data on demand, set visual and audible alarms. Graphics and mapping capabilities. Customized branding available. Allows remote viewing via web-server.
Support-Signal Conditioners Analog Output
Technical Support Documents for our products are available in Adobe PDF file format.

A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded direct from Adobe by
Clicking Here .
Documents SGA
Documents SGABCM Bridge Completion Module
Documents LVDT
Documents ALA5
Documents ICA In-Cell Amplifier
- ICA H & S Product Sheet : Miniature Strain Gauge Signal Conditioner, Converts Load Cell to 4-20mA & 0-10V (ICA S & H)
- ICA H & S Manual : Complete Range of ICA's Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
- ICA1&2 S & H Manual : ICA1 & ICA2 S and H Versions Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
- ICA3&6 S & H Manual : ICA3 & ICA6 S and H Versions Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
- ICA4 S & H Manual : ICA4 S and H Versions Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
- ICA5 S & A Manual : ICA5 S and H Versions Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
- ICA6 Solidworks : ICA6 Version Strain Gauge or Load Cell Embedded Analogue Amplifier
Documents UAB
Software Download UAB
- Instrument Explorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
Documents JBA
Support-Signal Converters Digital Output
Technical Support Documents for our products are available in Adobe PDF file format.

A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded direct from Adobe by
Clicking Here .
Documents DSCUSB
Software Download
- DSCUSB Toolkit : Version 4.3.0 This toolkit allows configuration, calibration, logging and parameter management of the DSCUSB, DSCSUASC and DSCSUEASC modules.
- DSC 24 Channel Logging : Version 1.2.0 View and log data from up to 24 DSC, DLC or DSCUSB modules.
- Driver DLL DSCUSB : Version 1.1 DSCUSBDrv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with DSC USB instruments DSCSUASC and DSCSUEASC.
- DSC Fixed COM Ports : This software ensures that all DSCUSB modules plugged into the PC are allocated the same COM port. This is useful for OEM scenarios where many modules are connected for production purposes.
- Instrument Explorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
Documents DSCUSB-PT
Software Download
- DSCUSB Toolkit : Version 4.3.0 This toolkit allows configuration, calibration, logging and parameter management of the DSCUSB, DSCSUASC and DSCSUEASC modules.
- DSC 24 Channel Logging : Version 1.2.0 View and log data from up to 24 DSC, DLC or DSCUSB modules.
- Driver DLL DSCUSB : Version 1.1 DSCUSBDrv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with DSC USB instruments DSCSUASC and DSCSUEASC.
- DSC Fixed COM Ports : This software ensures that all DSCUSB modules plugged into the PC are allocated the same COM port. This is useful for OEM scenarios where many modules are connected for production purposes.
- Instrument Explorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
Documents DCELL
Software Download
- DSC 24 Channel Logging : Version 1.2.0 View and log data from up to 24 DSC, DLC or DSCUSB modules.
- Instrument Explorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
Documents DSC
Software Download
- Instrument Eeplorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
- Driver DLL MantrabBus2 : Version 1.5 MantraBus2Drv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with any Mantracourt instrument that communicates using the MantraBus2 Protocol. Instruments that use this include: DSC, and DCell
- Driver DLL MantraASCII2 : Version 1.3 MantraASCII2Drv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with any Mantracourt instrument that communicates using the MantraASCII2 Protocol.
- DSC 24 Channel Logging : Version 1.2.0 View and log data from up to 24 DSC, DLC or DSCUSB modules.
Documents LCD20
Software Download
- LC Toolkit : Version 1.8.0 The LC Toolkit software for Windows will allow a connection with the LCA20 via an optional on-board communications module LC4 or via an optional programming cable PGM1.
Documents PSD Handheld Readers
Documents Evaluation Kit
Software Download
- Instrument Explorer : Version 2 build 2.0a This software allows the user to quickly set up and start to use the digitisers and indicators that Mantracourt offers. Capabilities include event monitoring and data logging, as well as calibration and configuration.
- Driver DLL MantrabBus2 : Version 1.5 MantraBus2Drv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with any Mantracourt instrument that communicates using the MantraBus2 Protocol. Instruments that use this include: DSC, and DCell
- Driver DLL MantraASCII2 : Version 1.3 MantraASCII2Drv.DLL is a standard Windows DLL that can be used to help your own Windows PC applications communicate with any Mantracourt instrument that communicates using the MantraASCII2 Protocol.
- DSC 24 Channel Logging : Version 1.2.0 View and log data from up to 24 DSC, DLC or DSCUSB modules.
Support-Controllers and Alarms
Technical Support Documents for our products are available in Adobe PDF file format.

A free copy of Adobe PDF Reader can be downloaded direct from Adobe by
Clicking Here .
Documents LCA20 and LCB
Software Download
- LC Toolkit : Version 1.8.0 The LC Toolkit software for Windows will allow a connection with the LCA20 via an optional on-board communications module LC4 or via an optional programming cable PGM1.
Documents LCI
Documents SMP
Documents LCD20
Software Download
- LC Toolkit : Version 1.8.0 The LC Toolkit software for Windows will allow a connection with the LCA20 via an optional on-board communications module LC4 or via an optional programming cable PGM1.